April 6, 2020
Arti is a great YBBB from the Kammerflage Fantara line produced by Brian Stewart in partnership with Colorado Chameleons. He brings some great deep blue bars and a yellow body. We are very excited to see what he produces in concert with our existing lines!
- Filial
- F3-CG12
- Sire
- Artemis
- Dam
- Felipe Sanchez’s daughter
Ancestral Report for Arti
Generation 1

1. Arti. Arti was born on 2020-04-05 at Brian Stewart. He is the son of Artemis and Felipe Sanchez's daughter.
Generation 2

2. Artemis. He is the son of Fantara (Falling Star) and Zazaboto-manga (Baby Blue). He had a relationship with Felipe Sanchez's daughter.
3. Felipe Sanchez's daughter. Felipe Sanchez's daughter was produced by Chromatic Chameleons. She is the daughter of Felipe Sanchez (F1) and Macho's daughter.
Children of Felipe Sanchez's daughter and Artemis
i. Arti [1]. Arti was born on 2020-04-05 at Brian Stewart.
Generation 3

4. Fantara (Falling Star). Fantara (Falling Star) was produced by Kammerflage Kreations. He is the son of Maizina-lanitra (Dark Sky). He had a relationship with Zazaboto-manga (Baby Blue).
5. Zazaboto-manga (Baby Blue). Zazaboto-manga (Baby Blue) was born on 2018-01-01 at Kammerflage Kreations. She is the daughter of Telo-heny (Triple).
Children of Zazaboto-manga (Baby Blue) and Fantara (Falling Star)
i. Artemis [2].

6. Felipe Sanchez (F1). He is the son of Bolt (WC) and Cowboy's daughter (F1). He had a relationship with Macho's daughter.
7. Macho's daughter. She is the daughter of Macho (F2) and 24k's daughter.
Children of Macho's daughter and Felipe Sanchez (F1)
i. Emma Frost (F2). Emma Frost was produced by Chromatic Chameleons. She died with Brightside Chameleons.
ii. Felipe Sanchez's daughter.
iii. Felipe Sanchez's daughter [3]. Felipe Sanchez's daughter was produced by Chromatic Chameleons.
Generation 4

8. Maizina-lanitra (Dark Sky). Maizina-lanitra (Dark Sky) was produced by Kammerflage Kreations. He had a relationship with Unknown.
Children of Unknown and Maizina-lanitra (Dark Sky)
i. Fantara (Falling Star) [4]. Fantara (Falling Star) was produced by Kammerflage Kreations.

10. Telo-heny (Triple). Telo-heny (Triple) was born on 2015-01-15 at Kammerflage Kreations. He is the son of Dobo (Double). He had a relationship with Unknown. He also had a relationship with Unknown.
Children of Unknown and Telo-heny (Triple)
i. Triple's daughter. Triple's daughter was produced by Kammerflage Kreations.
Children of Unknown and Telo-heny (Triple)
i. Zazaboto-manga (Baby Blue) [5]. Zazaboto-manga (Baby Blue) was born on 2018-01-01 at Kammerflage Kreations.

12. Bolt (WC). Bolt was produced by Canvas Chameleons. He died with Canvas Chameleons. He had a relationship with Cowboy's daughter (F1).
13. Cowboy's daughter (F1). Cowboy's daughter was produced by Chameleon's Paradise. She died with Canvas Chameleons. She was the daughter of Cowboy (CH).
Children of Cowboy's daughter (F1) and Bolt (WC)
i. Felipe Sanchez (F1) [6].

14. Macho (F2). He is the son of Candy Cane (F1) and Cowboy's daughter (F1). He had a relationship with 24k's daughter.
15. 24k's daughter. 24k's daughter was produced by Chameleon's Paradise. She is the daughter of 24k.
Children of 24k's daughter and Macho (F2)
i. Wetdream.
ii. Macho's daughter [7].
Generation 5
20. Dobo (Double). He had a relationship with Unknown.
Children of Unknown and Dobo (Double)
i. Telo-heny (Triple) [10]. Telo-heny (Triple) was born on 2015-01-15 at Kammerflage Kreations.

26. Cowboy (CH). Cowboy was produced by Chameleon's Paradise. He died on 2015-01-01 at Chameleon's Paradise. He had a relationship with King's daughter. He also had a relationship with Unknown. He also had a relationship with Unknown.
More about Cowboy (CH):
Description: CH - Ambilobe
Children of King's daughter and Cowboy (CH)
i. Flash (F1). Flash was born on 2015-01-10 at Chameleon's Paradise. He died on 2018-06-14 at iPardalis.
Children of Unknown and Cowboy (CH)
i. Cowboy's daughter (F1).
Children of Unknown and Cowboy (CH)
i. Cowboy's daughter (F1) [13]. Cowboy's daughter was produced by Chameleon's Paradise. She died with Canvas Chameleons.

28. Candy Cane (F1). Candy Cane was produced by Chameleon's Paradise. He died with Chameleon's Paradise. He had a relationship with Jake's daughter. He also had a relationship with Cowboy's daughter (F1).
Children of Jake's daughter and Candy Cane (F1)
i. Judy (F2). Judy was born on 2015-02-11 at Chameleon's Paradise. She died on 2018-02-15 at iPardalis.
29. Cowboy's daughter (F1). She was the daughter of Cowboy (CH).
Children of Cowboy's daughter (F1) and Candy Cane (F1)
i. Macho (F2) [14].

30. 24k. 24k was produced by Chameleon's Paradise. He had a relationship with Unknown.
Children of Unknown and 24k
i. 24k's daughter [15]. 24k's daughter was produced by Chameleon's Paradise.
Generation 6

58. Cowboy (CH). Cowboy was produced by Chameleon's Paradise. He died on 2015-01-01 at Chameleon's Paradise. He had a relationship with King's daughter. He also had a relationship with Unknown. He also had a relationship with Unknown.
More about Cowboy (CH):
Description: CH - Ambilobe
Children of King's daughter and Cowboy (CH)
i. Flash (F1). Flash was born on 2015-01-10 at Chameleon's Paradise. He died on 2018-06-14 at iPardalis.
Children of Unknown and Cowboy (CH)
i. Cowboy's daughter (F1) [29].
Children of Unknown and Cowboy (CH)
i. Cowboy's daughter (F1). Cowboy's daughter was produced by Chameleon's Paradise. She died with Canvas Chameleons.