
Izao has some absolutely phenomenal red body blue bar lineage. We produced her with our boy Kosmo and our female from Nature’s Van Gogh we named Mainty. Although a decent number of her brothers ended up rainbow vs rbbb, we hope we can hit the …

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Lamba is a great YBBB female we produced with Arti and Lilly in the 5th generation of our YBBB project. This group was one of my favorite 5th gen combos and has the potential to throw some of the best yellow bodies anywhere in the world. We are …

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Sugar looks very similar to her dam, Mara. Her deep purple cheeks are what caught my eye and convinced me to keep her. Many of her brothers had more of a yellow body mixed bar look, so we did not breed many of them. However, for genetic diversity, …

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Cadi is a great YBBB produced by Longshot Chameleons (Bryan Long) with a male from our Arti x Daisy pairing named Cadillac. Her brother, Sideshow, is one of the best we have ever seen, so we are excited to add her to our program and see what she …

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Jean is an extension of our main Ambilobe group via the Jackson tree combined with a beautiful female from Brian Stewart’s Ambilobe project. Both her sire, Jackson and dam sire, McNulty, carry many of our favorite ybbb Ambilobe traits and her …

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Avana has some great Kammerflage Kreations lineage from her sire, Zozoro, and her dam, Artalla. All of her brothers had yellow bodies and a few had deep blue bars. It will be a lot of fun to prove her out with Zandrin - hoping for those blue bars! …

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Teny is a beautiful female Ambilobe panther chameleon who we produced with Tony and Paige. Her sire had nice deep blue bars like his dam sire, Artemis with a clean yellow body like Nugget. Her dam brings a great Tropical Chameleons x Modern Day …

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Kintana is a line-bred YBBB from Chromatic Chameleons from Capella and Kromatisk. Capella is one of our favorite sires they have produced over the past few years, and Kromatisk is easily one of our favorites over the past decade. We have a decent …

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Mena is our HB from Zava and F1 Manjaya. Zava had a significant amount of red and a few of Mena’s brothers got it, too. Manjaya seems to have taken after her WC sire, Arlo. A few of Mena’s brothers looked like mini Arlo’s. So less …

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Tsara’s name comes from “Tsara Tarehy” which means attractive in Malagasy. We named the two sisters from Manjaka x Lokana Tsara and Tarehy :). Check out that clutch to see how consistent their YBBB phenotypes were. It is a very …

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