
Hong is the most astonishing Red Body Blue Bar (RBBB) Ambilobe Panther Chameleon I have seen in person. His colors are velvety smooth. He has a deep red body and beautiful sky blue bars. Ryan Roberson produced him with his WC Ambilobe named Snoop Dog and a female from Brenton Schappel’s WC Ambilobe over at Chameleons by Design. Achieving that look at the F1 generation with an F1 female is unheard of - absolutely amazing work by Ryan here.

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Taiyang (WC)

Imported by One World Exotica in October 2023. WC Taiyang and WC Haiyang are two of my favorite wild caught imports; Taiyang means sun in Chinese because he has a ton of yellow w/ a little mix of orange like the sun, and Haiyang means sea/ocean in Chinese. Haiyang’s blue bars are really something for a WC, so we have the sun (Taiyang) and the sea (Haiyang). They both came in great condition, and I hope to be working with them for years to come.

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Haiyang (WC)

Imported by One World Exotica in October 2023. Our Wild-caught Ambilobe Panther, Haiyang, came in with some face injuries which make him less likely to get the glam shots on social media; however, we are incredibly happy with him from a genetics and breeding standpoint. His blue bars are the best of all of our WC imports from One World Exotica and his body is very nice as well - green/yellow and only some very sparse red/orange markings.

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Zor was one of the nicest males we produced with Zozoro and Artalla. He had vibrant yellows and blues. However, we did not keep him long term because of the reds in his face and the small amount of red in his body. We have seen this marking before and it usually indicates more of an orangish yellow long term, not our signature clean yellow body. He was gorgeous though, so we did pair him up once for genetic diversity and to see if we can clean that up in the next gen.

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Bibi (WC)

Imported by One World Exotica in June 2022. Bibi is a very vibrant wild caught (WC) Ambilobe panther chameleon. Bibidia translates to wild in Malagasy, which is why we named our two WC Bibi and Dia. Bibi has a decent amount of red on his face and blue bars with a vibrant green/yellow body. The yellow covers both his body and bars, so his bars almost look green at times.

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Papamavo is one of our 5th generation Ambilobe Panther Chameleon breeders from Papafee x Lokana. He has great vibrancy and a solid yellow body. His attitude is a bit more feisty than his father, but he’s calming down a bit now as he reaches adulthood. We are excited to see what he does for us! Update: Papamavo has that chameleon-centric focus of his father (Papafee) and grandfather (Zanaka), so he ignores me aside from knowing I can be used as a place to command the room.

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Jimanga is one of our 5th gen Ambilobe Chameleon breeders. He comes from our Manga x Imelda pairing, a great collab with Ramblin’ Exotics. I can trace his personality all the way back to Kako. They teach you that chameleons are a look-but-don’t-touch pet, the hard way haha… but what comes with that is an absolutely amazing defense display. Definitely something I really enjoy about these guys! Jimanga | Male Ambilobe Panther Chameleon

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Ghost is a 4th gen ybbb Ambilobe breeder here at iPardalis. He is from our Arti and Daisy pairing. His yellows are so light when he fires up that we decided to name him Ghost. They are just so clean and bright! There is also an H bar on his right side. We are very excited to have him carry the torch on this part of our tree. Ghost | Male Ambilobe Panther Chameleon

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Dehibe is a great YBBB Ambilobe we produced with Arti and Alla. He brings some great blue bars and a yellow body, very similar to his sire. He and his sister, Artalla, were the only two babies to survive Alla’s last clutch, and they are very special to us. This is a great cb combination without any of our main line in it. Dehibe | Ambilobe Panther Chameleon Dehibe | Ambilobe Panther Chameleon

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Ralph is a great 4th generation continuation of the Alfred line with vibrant blues and reds! Alfred was an odd ball from our Jude x Alla pairing, so these red-heavy Ambilobe are not closely related to many of the other red Ambilobe out there. We plan to keep him paired to one or two females and only do a few clutches with this fun side project. Ralph | RBBB Ambilobe Panther Chameleon

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