October 17, 2021
This pairing was between our third generation hold back, Daisy, and our male from Brian Stewart, Arti. Arti comes from some great Ambilobe lines from Colorado Chameleons and Kammerflage Kreations, and Daisy is a great female from our Jude x Kako clutch. Some of my favorite yellows came from this pairing and Daisy didn’t disappoint ;)
Arti x Daisy
- Hatch dates
- 10/17/2021 - 10/26/2021
- Hatch rate
- 4/26
- agent-orange
- alfred
- alla
- amara
- amarillo
- arlo
- artalla
- artemis
- arti
- artilly
- athena
- avana
- bangheera
- beans
- bibi
- bing
- blaitso
- bleu
- blossom
- blue-bird
- blue-birds-daughter
- bohana
- bolt
- brightflame
- bubbles
- bumble-bee
- bumblebee
- button
- candy-cane
- capella
- clapton
- coco
- cowboy
- daisy
- dante
- dehibe
- di
- dia
- dio
- divergent
- dynamitetnt
- emma-frost
- fantara
- felipe-sanchez
- feng
- firestarter
- flamethrower
- flash
- foxey
- gambit
- ghost
- gold-rush
- grape-inferno
- green-giant
- haiyang
- hendrix
- herb
- higgins
- hong
- huo
- imelda
- izao
- jack
- jackie
- jackson
- jake
- jakes-daughter
- jimanga
- jimelda
- jiolahy
- jj
- jude
- judy
- kako
- kanto
- kiborin
- king
- kings-daughter
- kintana
- kosmo
- kromatisk
- lamba
- landy
- legion
- lelafo
- leo
- leos-daughter
- lilly
- lokana
- loko
- macho
- mainty
- maitso
- maize
- mami
- mamony
- manga
- mango-saphire
- manjaia
- manjaka
- manjalla
- manjaya
- mara
- marley
- maro
- mavokely
- mcnulty
- miafina
- miss-piggy
- mitselatra-stormy-weather
- mr-america-jr
- my-friend
- noko
- nova
- nugget
- nuhana
- odin
- optimus-prime
- outline
- paige
- papafee
- papamavo
- parasi
- parasites
- parasy
- patch
- pd-jani
- pepita
- perrigrin
- pj
- promise-keeper
- pyro
- ralph
- rambo
- ranoka
- rick-james
- robina
- sammy
- shirley
- skyline
- snoop-dog
- sonny
- sparkles
- squash
- stryfe
- sunny
- taiyang
- tarehy
- teny
- the-don
- tigerlilly
- tigravavy
- tony
- tratra
- triple
- tsara
- vaosary
- vulcan
- wet-dream
- zanaka
- zandrin
- zava
- zor
- zozoro