May 29, 2024

Bowie is an absolutely gorgeous Ambanja Panther Chameleon produced by Ready’s Rainforest, one of the few pure wild-type Ambanja breeders in the USA. We are honored to carry on their line. If you look at his tree, there are three different wild-caught sires paired against an older cb line from Linda Nickleson’s Spunky x Princess Peach line. Very excited to add these to our Ambanja project and create some nice cb animals like this.

Blue Bonnet

5 Generation Tree
5 Generation Tree

Generation 1

1. Bowie (F1-CG6). Bowie was produced by Ready's Rainforest. He is the son of Alamo Ranger (WC) and Blue Bonnet (F1-CG5).

More about Bowie (F1-CG6):

Adopted: 2024-10-29, iPardalis.

Generation 2

2. Alamo Ranger (WC). He had a relationship with Blue Bonnet (F1-CG5).

More about Alamo Ranger (WC):

Adopted: Ready's Rainforest.

3. Blue Bonnet (F1-CG5). Blue Bonnet was produced by Brian Stewart. She is the daughter of Titan (WC) and Remi's daughter (F1-CG4).

More about Blue Bonnet (F1-CG5):

Adopted: Ready's Rainforest.

Children of Blue Bonnet (F1-CG5) and Alamo Ranger (WC)

i. Bowie (F1-CG6) [1]. Bowie was produced by Ready's Rainforest.

Generation 3

6. Titan (WC). He had a relationship with Remi's daughter (F1-CG4).

7. Remi's daughter (F1-CG4). She is the daughter of Remi (WC) and Knubs (F2-CG3).

Children of Remi's daughter (F1-CG4) and Titan (WC)

i. Blue Bonnet (F1-CG5) [3]. Blue Bonnet was produced by Brian Stewart.

Generation 4

14. Remi (WC). He had a relationship with Knubs (F2-CG3).

More about Remi (WC):

Adopted: Busy B's Exotics.

15. Knubs (F2-CG3). She is the daughter of Spunky (F1) and Princess Peach (F2).

Children of Knubs (F2-CG3) and Remi (WC)

i. Remi's daughter (F1-CG4) [7].

Generation 5

30. Spunky (F1). He is the son of Twister (WC) and MJ. He had a relationship with Princess Peach (F2).

31. Princess Peach (F2). Princess Peach was produced by Wild Side Chameleons. She is the daughter of Lincoln (F1) and Millie.

More about Princess Peach (F2):

Adopted: Modern Day Dragons.

Children of Princess Peach (F2) and Spunky (F1)

i. Knubs (F2-CG3) [15].

Generation 6

60. Twister (WC). He had a relationship with MJ.

More about Twister (WC):

Adopted: Chamalot Chameleons.

61. MJ. MJ was produced by Heroic Chams. She is the daughter of Spiderman.

More about MJ:

Adopted: Chamalot Chameleons.

Children of MJ and Twister (WC)

i. Spunky (F1) [30].

62. Lincoln (F1). Lincoln was produced by The Panther Company. He is the son of Josie (WC). He had a relationship with Millie.

More about Lincoln (F1):

Adopted: Wild Side Chameleons.

63. Millie. Millie was produced by Heroic Chams. She is the daughter of Ermac and Spiderman's daughter.

More about Millie:

Adopted: Wild Side Chameleons.

Children of Millie and Lincoln (F1)

i. Princess Peach (F2) [31]. Princess Peach was produced by Wild Side Chameleons.

Generation 7

122. Spiderman. He had a relationship with Unknown.

More about Spiderman:

Adopted: Heroic Chams.

Children of Unknown and Spiderman

i. MJ [61]. MJ was produced by Heroic Chams.

124. Josie (WC). He had a relationship with Unknown.

More about Josie (WC):

Adopted: The Panther Company.

Children of Unknown and Josie (WC)

i. Lincoln (F1) [62]. Lincoln was produced by The Panther Company.

126. Ermac. He had a relationship with Spiderman's daughter.

127. Spiderman's daughter.

Children of Spiderman's daughter and Ermac

i. Millie [63]. Millie was produced by Heroic Chams.