Bumble Bee

Bumble Bee is one of our 5th generation HB females from Papafee x Lokana. She has a great personality and a rusty coloration with lots of orange and light purple dots. We expect her to produce some absolutely amazing Ambilobe for us! Bumblebee | …

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Artalla is a very special HB female from Arti, a great ybbb breeder for us produced by Brian Stewart, and Alla, one of our first females and most prolific breeder who gave us 17 clutches over her long life! Artalla has some big shoes to fill, and we …

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Zozoro is a great YBBB from the Kammerflage sire Gold Rush. His father is my favorite YBBB produced over the past few years and his mother is the combination of a vibrant YBBB named My Friend and a true F1 from two different WC that the …

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Mainty is one of the nicest RBBB females I could find for Ralph. Her sire, Bangheera, is a classic red body blue bar Ambilobe produced by Highlighter Chameleons and owned by Nature’s Van Gogh. After talking to Logan about Mainty’s …

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Jiolahy is a big F1 female from Chameleons 101’s The Don (WC). She brings fresh ybbb genetics combined with a great CB ybbb line created by Modern Day Dragons. We are very lucky to have her in our breeding group. Jiolahy | Female Ambilobe …

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Mara is the beautiful sister of Maro. They are a pair of Ambilobe breeders we acquired from Chi-Town Chameleons from their Sammy x Nova (F1) pairing. It is looking like Maro is taking after Sammy, so it will be interesting to prove out Mara and see …

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Maro (F3) is a great edition to our YBBB project. We have been tracking the WC Legion line ever since we saw Jeremy Booker acquire him years ago. This great Chi-town Chameleons Sammy x Storm pairing finally carries those genetics with nice yellow …

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Kiborin is our 4th gen HB from Blossom x Maitso. He is Blaitso’s brother. These two are just amazing animals and we are excited to see Kiborin’s clean yellow with blue. He has less red highlighting that his father and a really clean …

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Mamony is a nice 4th gen female from our Blossom x Maitso. She resembles Blossom’s dam, Alla, more than she resembles her own dam, Maitso. I have a theory that those are hints about which side of the tree a female takes after, so check for …

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Tiger Lilly is one of the most stunning females I have seen in person. She has an amazing bar/body contrast, organge highlights in her face and turrets and an orang glow on her arms and tail. We are very lucky to get to work with her. Hopefully, …

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