Nugget x Amara

This pairing was between our third generation hold back, Nugget, and our female from Brian Stewart, Amara. Amara proved out to carry a lot of her sire’s, Artemis’, traits like his dark blue bars and red highlighting. Nugget is the HB …

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Tiger Lilly is one of the most stunning females I have seen in person. She has an amazing bar/body contrast, organge highlights in her face and turrets and an orang glow on her arms and tail. We are very lucky to get to work with her. Hopefully, …

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Tony one of our 4th generation YBBB Ambilobe. He has some great traits from his dam, Amara, like his deep blue bars and red highlights, but he also has some vibrant yellows from his sire, Nugget. His profile is one of my favorites with striking …

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Amara is Arti’s sister from the Kammerflage Fantara line produced by Brian Stewart in partnership with Colorado Chameleons. It will be interesting to compare her offspring with Arti’s to figure out which traits she is carrying from their …

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