
Cadi is a great YBBB produced by Longshot Chameleons (Bryan Long) with a male from our Arti x Daisy pairing named Cadillac. Her brother, Sideshow, is one of the best we have ever seen, so we are excited to add her to our program and see what she …

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Sideshow is one of the most vibrant YBBB Ambilobe I have ever seen. He has clean yellows and electric blues. His personality is also quite quirky, and I am not surprised when he tries to bite a branch that he is perched on. Gotta keep your wits …

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Smiles is a great YBBB from Longshot Chameleons. Bryan used a male we produced named Cadillac and a female from Sunset Chameleons to create some of the best YBBB of 2023. We picked up Smiles, Cadi and Sideshow to keep that amazing project going and …

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Kiborin is our 4th gen HB from Blossom x Maitso. He is Blaitso’s brother. These two are just amazing animals and we are excited to see Kiborin’s clean yellow with blue. He has less red highlighting that his father and a really clean …

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Mamony is a nice 4th gen female from our Blossom x Maitso. She resembles Blossom’s dam, Alla, more than she resembles her own dam, Maitso. I have a theory that those are hints about which side of the tree a female takes after, so check for …

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Blaitso is a drop dead gorgeous 4th gen female from our Blossom x Maitso. She has vibrant oranges, a great bar/body contrast and teal cheeks. Her lineage is also amazing so she will be fun to watch! We are lucky to have her in our breeding group. …

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Parasy is Jackson’s sister. She has great YBBB potential from our 4th generation of Ambilobe. We will have to prove her out to see which side of the tree she takes after, but her lineage is phenomenal on both sides. Her dam sire is one of our …

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Jackson is a great YBBB from our 4th generation of Ambilobe. Son of Jack, he brings some great blue bars and a yellow body w/ a little less red/orange highlighting than his father. His dam sire is one of our favorites from Bobby Rodduck, so …

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Maitso’s sire, Amarillo, is the top yellow boby blue bar Ambilobe in the USA. He is a vibrant yellow from snout to vent without any red to mess with what he has going on. The only way I could concieve of a way to improve upon him is to get …

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Mavokely’s sire, Amarillo, is the top yellow boby blue bar Ambilobe in the USA. He is a vibrant yellow from snout to vent without any red to mess with what he has going on. The only way I could concieve of a way to improve upon him is to get …

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