
Ralph is a great 4th generation continuation of the Alfred line with vibrant blues and reds! Alfred was an odd ball from our Jude x Alla pairing, so these red-heavy Ambilobe are not closely related to many of the other red Ambilobe out there. We …

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Alfred x Kanto

This pairing was between our third generation hold back, Alfred, and our female from Frank Payne, Kanto, from Living Art by Frank Payne. Kanto comes from some great OBBB/RBBB lines from Canvas Chameleons and Kammerflage Kreations, and Alfred is the …

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Kanto is a beautiful female we picked up from Living Art by Frank Payne this year because her sire, Brightflame, is a great match for Alfred. All we know is that Brightflame came from a Canvas pairing and that some of the last pairings done were …

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Lineage: Living Art by Frank Payne

Living Art by Frank Payne Frank is one of the most popular breeders in the United States today. He works with many different species attempting to establish them in the United States and he dedicates years to projects before he releases much to the …

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