
Robina is a female we acquired from Ramblin’ Exotics Clapton x Layla pairing. Her sire, Clapton, and dam sire, DynamiteTNT, both have phenomenal blue bars which I believe will complement Ralph’s really well. With any luck, a few Ralph clones could pop out because Robina is an RBBB x RBBB female. She has some interesting turquoise and subtle differences from most of my other females. She is awesome! Robina | Female Ambilobe Panther Chameleon

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Lineage: Eye Candy Chameleons

Eye Candy Chameleons Jake Dynnis is a meticulous Panther Chameleon breeder who has been focused on the Ambilobe and Ambanja locales. Her blurple lines are probably the most well known Eye Candy Chameleons projects, but we have lineage from her work with RBBB Ambilobe. Her sire, DynamiteTNT, produced by Kaz Kameleons, was one of the most popular RBBB in 2020 or so and we worked his genetics into a few females we used in our RBBB Ambilobe project.

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