
Kintana is a line-bred YBBB from Chromatic Chameleons from Capella and Kromatisk. Capella is one of our favorite sires they have produced over the past few years, and Kromatisk is easily one of our favorites over the past decade. We have a decent …

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Arti is a great YBBB from the Kammerflage Fantara line produced by Brian Stewart in partnership with Colorado Chameleons. He brings some great deep blue bars and a yellow body. We are very excited to see what he produces in concert with our existing …

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Amara is Arti’s sister from the Kammerflage Fantara line produced by Brian Stewart in partnership with Colorado Chameleons. It will be interesting to compare her offspring with Arti’s to figure out which traits she is carrying from their …

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Maitso’s sire, Amarillo, is the top yellow boby blue bar Ambilobe in the USA. He is a vibrant yellow from snout to vent without any red to mess with what he has going on. The only way I could concieve of a way to improve upon him is to get …

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Mavokely’s sire, Amarillo, is the top yellow boby blue bar Ambilobe in the USA. He is a vibrant yellow from snout to vent without any red to mess with what he has going on. The only way I could concieve of a way to improve upon him is to get …

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Bleu is a male we picked up from the Stryfe line. He was raised by Jeremy Booker at Brightside Chameleons, and he was a bit of a challenge to work with. We released him in early 2020 and only produced a few clutches with him. We hope to select some …

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Lineage: Chromatic Chameleons

Chromatic Chameleons Jay and Kim are phenomenal Panther Chameleon breeders. They got started a few years before us, and we had the benefit of being able to watch their success. We find ourselves grabbing a female or two from them every year because …

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