
Tigravavy is a one of our favorite females from the Jude x Alla clutch. Her brothers have been everything from clean ybbb like Mondrian, Clyde, and Toby to more rainbow Ambilobe like Alfred, Blossom and Jack. Predominantly ybbb but a few beautiful …

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Bubbles is a massive female. At the one year mark, she already weighs 90 grams when receptive. She came from our Jude x Alla pairing and is one of the few females we decided to keep. She’s like a giant version of Alla. Healthy, hungry and …

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Button was a female with nice high contrast barring from Jude x Alla. We bred her a few times before letting her go to make space for fresh genetics, but she was a phenomenal breeder for us! It will be interesting to see how much the high contrast …

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Jude x Alla

This has been our most successful Ambilobe Panther Chameleon pairing to-date. Alla is an amazing female Ambilobe that we purchased from RB Barto in 2017. She has been producing clutches between 25-34 eggs every 60 to 90 days ever since! We decided …

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Jude x Kako

This pairing gave us Nugget, Patch, Sunny, Lilly, and Daisy. This was an all-time great Ambilobe Panther Chameleon clutch. I am still trying to compete with this level of consistency to this day. Foundational animals across the board. Jude x Kako F2 …

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Flash x Judy

This was our first clutch. Both parents, Flash and Judy, were sourced from Bruce Galbraith at Chameleon’s Paradise. Our hatch rate was ~50% and 4 of the babies did not make it to the 3 month mark. That was the baseline that we have tried to …

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Jude was the alpha male Panther Chameleon from Flash and Judy’s clutch, hatched 10/17/17. He has strong yellows and a fierce attitude! We were lucky to select a male that looks a lot like his grandfather, Cowboy. He has now sired the majority …

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Judy's First Clutch

Female Fucifer pardalis (Panther Chameleons) will rock back and forth with their mouth agape in a defensive posture when they are not ready to mate. It is always good to introduce the female into the male’s enclosure to avoid injury to either …

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Lineage: Chameleon's Paradise

Chameleon Paradise Bruce Galbraith is a very well-known breeder in the industry. He has worked with numerous species over the years and loves to jump on the phone with new customers and spend hours with them. He helped us with our very first pair of …

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Flash was our first generation breeder from Cowboy (CH) at Chameleon’s Paradise. He had a very gentle personality and only gave us one healthy clutch with Judy, from which we kept Jude. We were still learning when we got Flash and he passed …

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