Bleu x Patch

This pairing was between our third generation hold back, Patch, and our male from Jeremy Booker, Bleu, from Brightside Chameleons. Bleu is the only male with Stryfe in him and we are excited to see what that brings to the project. Manga was our …

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Papafee is a monster yellow-bodied Ambilobe. He was our sole holdback from Zanaka and Sunny to carry on in our 4th generation of Ambilobe panther chameleons. His yellows are extremely vibrant and were evident at a young age (2 months). He almost has …

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Zanaka x Sunny

We added Zanaka (F2) to our project because he is the product of one of Kammerflage Kreations’s top yellow-bodied Ambilobe, Promise Keeper, and a classic WC Ambilobe, Fanitso. We paired him with both of our main 3rd gen lines from Jude with …

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Nugget x Alla

This pairing is between our third generation hold back, Nugget, and our most successful female, Alla, from RB Barto @Panther Creek Chameleons. Nugget is one of my favorite yellow-bodied blue bar Ambilobe paired with an all-time great in JJ who comes …

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Tigravavy is a one of our favorite females from the Jude x Alla clutch. Her brothers have been everything from clean ybbb like Mondrian, Clyde, and Toby to more rainbow Ambilobe like Alfred, Blossom and Jack. Predominantly ybbb but a few beautiful …

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Alfred is an extreme outlier from the Jude x Alla pairing. We were lucky to keep him because he carries some vibrant, almost dark neon colors. His resting colors are some of the nicest I have ever seen in person and I am very excited to work with …

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Jack is a beautiful Ambilobe from our Jude x Alla pairing. When he was young, his yellows were dominant and covered his entire body. However, as he aged, oranges started to creep into his body from his gular and his tail turned a vibrant red. He is …

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Bubbles is a massive female. At the one year mark, she already weighs 90 grams when receptive. She came from our Jude x Alla pairing and is one of the few females we decided to keep. She’s like a giant version of Alla. Healthy, hungry and …

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Button was a female with nice high contrast barring from Jude x Alla. We bred her a few times before letting her go to make space for fresh genetics, but she was a phenomenal breeder for us! It will be interesting to see how much the high contrast …

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We got lucky holding back Blossom from Jude x Alla. He looks like a mini-JJ, Alla’s sire, and is a key member of our 3rd generation breeding group. His personality is very similar to Alla’s in that he is very bold and rarely defensive. …

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