
Kiborin is our 4th gen HB from Blossom x Maitso. He is Blaitso’s brother. These two are just amazing animals and we are excited to see Kiborin’s clean yellow with blue. He has less red highlighting that his father and a really clean …

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Mamony is a nice 4th gen female from our Blossom x Maitso. She resembles Blossom’s dam, Alla, more than she resembles her own dam, Maitso. I have a theory that those are hints about which side of the tree a female takes after, so check for …

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Blaitso is a drop dead gorgeous 4th gen female from our Blossom x Maitso. She has vibrant oranges, a great bar/body contrast and teal cheeks. Her lineage is also amazing so she will be fun to watch! We are lucky to have her in our breeding group. …

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Blossom x Maitso

This pairing was between our third generation hold back, Blossom, and our female from Bobby Ruddock, Maitso. Maitso is from one of our favorite yellow-bodied blue bar Ambilobe, Amarillo, and Blossom is the HB male from our Jude x Alla clutch. Great …

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Maitso’s sire, Amarillo, is the top yellow boby blue bar Ambilobe in the USA. He is a vibrant yellow from snout to vent without any red to mess with what he has going on. The only way I could concieve of a way to improve upon him is to get …

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Lineage: Bobby Ruddock

Bobby Ruddock was producing some of the best YBBB Ambilobe in the country when we started breeding these beautiful animals in 2015. Here are a few of our favorite Ambilobe Panther Chameleons that he was working with at the time. Sparkles F1 Sparkles …

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Lineage: Chromatic Chameleons

Chromatic Chameleons Jay and Kim are phenomenal Panther Chameleon breeders. They got started a few years before us, and we had the benefit of being able to watch their success. We find ourselves grabbing a female or two from them every year because …

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Lineage: Panther Company

Panther Company Leo Leo | Ambilobe Panther Chameleon Leo | Ambilobe Panther Chameleon Leo | Ambilobe Panther Chameleon Leo | Ambilobe Panther Chameleon

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Lineage: Shane Conlin

Shane Conlin Shane Conlin’s Macho has been used in a bunch of different lineage collages without merit. We have seen the animals in our Macho lineage and they did prove out. Macho Macho | Ambilobe Panther Chameleon Macho | Ambilobe Panther …

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