Blossom x Mavokely

This pairing was between our third generation hold back, Blossom, and our female from Bobby Ruddock, Mavokely. Mavokely is from one of our favorite yellow-bodied blue bar Ambilobe, Amarillo, and Blossom is the HB male from our Jude x Alla clutch. …

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Parasy is Jackson’s sister. She has great YBBB potential from our 4th generation of Ambilobe. We will have to prove her out to see which side of the tree she takes after, but her lineage is phenomenal on both sides. Her dam sire is one of our …

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Jack x Mavokely

This pairing was between our third generation hold back, Jack, and our female from Bobby Ruddock, Mavokely. Jack had some of the nicest yellows from Jude x Alla and Bobby’s boy Amarillo is one of my favorite ybbb of all time. These guys should …

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Jackson is a great YBBB from our 4th generation of Ambilobe. Son of Jack, he brings some great blue bars and a yellow body w/ a little less red/orange highlighting than his father. His dam sire is one of our favorites from Bobby Rodduck, so …

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Mavokely’s sire, Amarillo, is the top yellow boby blue bar Ambilobe in the USA. He is a vibrant yellow from snout to vent without any red to mess with what he has going on. The only way I could concieve of a way to improve upon him is to get …

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Lineage: Bobby Ruddock

Bobby Ruddock was producing some of the best YBBB Ambilobe in the country when we started breeding these beautiful animals in 2015. Here are a few of our favorite Ambilobe Panther Chameleons that he was working with at the time. Sparkles F1 Sparkles …

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Lineage: Chromatic Chameleons

Chromatic Chameleons Jay and Kim are phenomenal Panther Chameleon breeders. They got started a few years before us, and we had the benefit of being able to watch their success. We find ourselves grabbing a female or two from them every year because …

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Lineage: Panther Company

Panther Company Leo Leo | Ambilobe Panther Chameleon Leo | Ambilobe Panther Chameleon Leo | Ambilobe Panther Chameleon Leo | Ambilobe Panther Chameleon

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Lineage: Shane Conlin

Shane Conlin Shane Conlin’s Macho has been used in a bunch of different lineage collages without merit. We have seen the animals in our Macho lineage and they did prove out. Macho Macho | Ambilobe Panther Chameleon Macho | Ambilobe Panther …

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