
Sugar looks very similar to her dam, Mara. Her deep purple cheeks are what caught my eye and convinced me to keep her. Many of her brothers had more of a yellow body mixed bar look, so we did not breed many of them. However, for genetic diversity, …

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Zandrin x Mara

This pairing was between our female Mara from Chi-town Chameleons, and our 4th gen male, Zandrin. Zandrin was our favorite YBBB from Nugget and Mara brings the WC Legion line into our project via Nova. If we can get a HB that looks remotely similar …

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Manjaka x Noko

This pairing was between our female from Nugget x Loko, and our male from Colorado Chameleons, F1 Manjaka. Manjaka was pretty unassuming as a juvenile, but he became one of our favorite YBBB Ambilobe breeders as an adult. He had an extra blue bar, …

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Manjaka x Tigerlilly

This pairing was between our female from Nugget x Amara, and our male from Colorado Chameleons, F1 Manjaka. Manjaka was pretty unassuming as a juvenile, but he became one of our favorite YBBB Ambilobe breeders as an adult. He had an extra blue bar, …

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Zava x Nuhana

This pairing was between our F1 female from Nugget x CH Bohana, and our male from Kammerflage Kreations, Zava. Zava was a vibrant rainbow Ambilobe. His yellow sat on top of a bright red dermal layer, and his bars were deep royal blue. F1 Nuhana …

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Zandrin is our 4th gen hold back Ambilobe Panther Chameleon from Nugget x Loko. He has amazing yellows with blue bars and some vibrant red highlights on his turrets and spine. He is a phenomenal Ambilobe Panther Chameleon. Zandrin | Male Ambilobe …

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Noko is our HB female from Nugget and Loko. Her brother is Zandrin. She should throw some intense yellow and blue with some interesting red highlighting. Her personality is very calm and photogenic. It was incredibly easy to get some nice profile …

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Nugget x Loko

This pairing was between our third generation hold back, Nugget, and our gorgeous Ambilobe female from Chromatic Chameleons, Loko. Loko is from a great pairing between Kromatisk and Wet Dream - a ybbb x ybbb Ambilobe combination. Nugget is the HB …

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Nugget x Amara

This pairing was between our third generation hold back, Nugget, and our female from Brian Stewart, Amara. Amara proved out to carry a lot of her sire’s, Artemis’, traits like his dark blue bars and red highlighting. Nugget is the HB …

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Tiger Lilly is one of the most stunning females I have seen in person. She has an amazing bar/body contrast, organge highlights in her face and turrets and an orang glow on her arms and tail. We are very lucky to get to work with her. Hopefully, …

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