Bleu x Patch

This pairing was between our third generation hold back, Patch, and our male from Jeremy Booker, Bleu, from Brightside Chameleons. Bleu is the only male with Stryfe in him and we are excited to see what that brings to the project. Manga was our …

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Patch was my favorite female from Jude and Kako’s first clutch, hatched 6/5/19. It will be a lot of fun to watch her eggs hatch to see which traits she is carrying. Her line is an extremely strong yellow body blue bar Ambilobe group, so I have …

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Kako was one of the two females we paired with our second generation breeder - Jude. We purchased her from RB Barto, but she was produced by Bobby Ruddock. Her line is one of our favorite yellow body blue bar (YBBB) Ambilobe lines in the USA. …

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Jude was the alpha male Panther Chameleon from Flash and Judy’s clutch, hatched 10/17/17. He has strong yellows and a fierce attitude! We were lucky to select a male that looks a lot like his grandfather, Cowboy. He has now sired the majority …

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Lineage: Bobby Ruddock

Bobby Ruddock was producing some of the best YBBB Ambilobe in the country when we started breeding these beautiful animals in 2015. Here are a few of our favorite Ambilobe Panther Chameleons that he was working with at the time. Sparkles F1 Sparkles …

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Lineage: Panther Company

Panther Company Leo Leo | Ambilobe Panther Chameleon Leo | Ambilobe Panther Chameleon Leo | Ambilobe Panther Chameleon Leo | Ambilobe Panther Chameleon

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Judy was our first generation breeder from Candy Cane (F1) at Chameleon’s Paradise. She laid one good clutch for us but died during laying complications after 2 more infertile clutches. Judy (2) | Female Ambilobe Panther Chameleon Judy (3) | …

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Flash was our first generation breeder from Cowboy (CH) at Chameleon’s Paradise. He had a very gentle personality and only gave us one healthy clutch with Judy, from which we kept Jude. We were still learning when we got Flash and he passed …

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