
Zava is a great YBBB from the Kammerflage Kreations Green Giant x Promise Keeper pairing, produced by Ed Kammer. He brings some great deep blue bars and a yellow body with a significant amount of red highlighting. We were really hoping he’d …

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Zanaka x Daisy

We added Zanaka (F2) to our project because he is the product of one of Kammerflage Kreations’s top yellow-bodied Ambilobe, Promise Keeper, and a classic WC Ambilobe, Fanitso. We paired him with both of our main 3rd gen lines from Jude via …

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Zanaka x Bubbles

We added Zanaka (F2) to our project because he is the product of one of Kammerflage Kreations’s top yellow-bodied Ambilobe, Promise Keeper, and a classic WC Ambilobe, Fanitso. We paired him with both of our main 3rd gen lines from Jude via …

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Papafee is a monster yellow-bodied Ambilobe. He was our sole holdback from Zanaka and Sunny to carry on in our 4th generation of Ambilobe panther chameleons. His yellows are extremely vibrant and were evident at a young age (2 months). He almost has …

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Zanaka x Sunny

We added Zanaka (F2) to our project because he is the product of one of Kammerflage Kreations’s top yellow-bodied Ambilobe, Promise Keeper, and a classic WC Ambilobe, Fanitso. We paired him with both of our main 3rd gen lines from Jude with …

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Zanaka is a giant F2 Ambilobe from Kammerflage Kreations. His personality was gentle to the extreme and he was hard to get fired up. It was almost as if other males didn’t exist, but when he saw a female, he would light up and start bobbing …

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Lineage: Kammerflage Kreations

Kammerflage Kreations The most successful breeder of Panther Chameleons in the United States, hands down. Ed, Liddy and Brianna are Panther Chameleon celebrities, and their 4 locales of focus (Ambilobe, Ambanja, Nosy Be and Sambava) are still the …

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