
Jimanga is one of our 5th gen Ambilobe Chameleon breeders. He comes from our Manga x Imelda pairing, a great collab with Ramblin’ Exotics. I can trace his personality all the way back to Kako. They teach you that chameleons are a look-but-don’t-touch pet, the hard way haha… but what comes with that is an absolutely amazing defense display. Definitely something I really enjoy about these guys!

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Jimelda is Jimanga’s sister from our Manga x Imelda pairing. She has some wonderful purples and a fiesty attitude! Manga was one of our best ybbb of all time, so we are really hoping Jimelda carries some of those traits into an F1 gen with WC Bibi. Those could very well be some of the best in the country if they prove out.

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Manga x Imelda

This pairing was between our fourth generation hold back, Manga, and our female from Ramblin’ Exotics, Imelda. Imelda is a great mix of WC Gambit lines and Kammerflage Kreations yellow-bodied blue bar Ambilobe while Manga is the male with the most striking yellows from our Bleu x Patch clutch. We kept Jimanga from this group and he has his father’s wonderful profile! Just a gorgeous group of Ambilobe.

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Arti x Daisy

This pairing was between our third generation hold back, Daisy, and our male from Brian Stewart, Arti. Arti comes from some great Ambilobe lines from Colorado Chameleons and Kammerflage Kreations, and Daisy is a great female from our Jude x Kako clutch. Some of my favorite yellows came from this pairing and Daisy didn’t disappoint ;)

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Ghost is a 4th gen ybbb Ambilobe breeder here at iPardalis. He is from our Arti and Daisy pairing. His yellows are so light when he fires up that we decided to name him Ghost. They are just so clean and bright! There is also an H bar on his right side. We are very excited to have him carry the torch on this part of our tree.

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Dehibe is a great YBBB Ambilobe we produced with Arti and Alla. He brings some great blue bars and a yellow body, very similar to his sire. He and his sister, Artalla, were the only two babies to survive Alla’s last clutch, and they are very special to us. This is a great cb combination without any of our main line in it.

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Artalla is a very special HB female from Arti, a great ybbb breeder for us produced by Brian Stewart, and Alla, one of our first females and most prolific breeder who gave us 17 clutches over her long life! Artalla has some big shoes to fill, and we are extremely excited to work with her :)

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Arti x Alla

This pairing was between our most prolific female from Panther Creek Chameleons, Alla, and our male from Brian Stewart, Arti. Arti comes from some great Ambilobe lines from Colorado Chameleons and Kammerflage Kreations, and Alla is a wonderful female from JJ who was produced by Kammerflage Kreations. We only had a single clutch from these two because it was towards the end of Alla’s breeding career.

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Zozoro is a great YBBB from the Kammerflage sire Gold Rush. His father is my favorite YBBB produced over the past few years and his mother is the combination of a vibrant YBBB named My Friend and a true F1 from two different WC that the Kammer’s acclimated recently. Very excited to work this guy into our 4th/5th generation of Ambilobe!

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Arti x CH Bohana

This pairing was between our first captive hatched (CH) female, Bohana, and our male from Brian Stewart, Arti. Arti comes from some great Ambilobe lines from Colorado Chameleons and Kammerflage Kreations, and Bohana is a female Ambilobe hatched out by Busy B’s Exotics from a wild caught imported female. Bohana’s wild genes didn’t seem to add much to our project when combined with Arti, so we did not keep any of these animals.

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