Manjaka x Noko

This pairing was between our female from Nugget x Loko, and our male from Colorado Chameleons, F1 Manjaka. Manjaka was pretty unassuming as a juvenile, but he became one of our favorite YBBB Ambilobe breeders as an adult. He had an extra blue bar, …

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Manjaka x Tigerlilly

This pairing was between our female from Nugget x Amara, and our male from Colorado Chameleons, F1 Manjaka. Manjaka was pretty unassuming as a juvenile, but he became one of our favorite YBBB Ambilobe breeders as an adult. He had an extra blue bar, …

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Zava x Manjaya

This pairing was between our F1 female from WC Arlo x Perregrin/Pyro’s daughter, and our male from Kammerflage Kreations, Zava. Zava was a vibrant rainbow Ambilobe. His yellow sat on top of a bright red dermal layer, and his bars were deep …

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Arti x Manjalla

This pairing was between one of our F1 females from Colorado Chameleon, Manjalla, and our male from Brian Stewart, Arti. They both come from some great Ambilobe lines from Colorado Chameleons and Kammerflage Kreations. The clutch was small and …

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Mena is our HB from Zava and F1 Manjaya. Zava had a significant amount of red and a few of Mena’s brothers got it, too. Manjaya seems to have taken after her WC sire, Arlo. A few of Mena’s brothers looked like mini Arlo’s. So less …

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Manjaka x Parasy

This pairing was between our female from Jack x Mavokely, and our male from Colorado Chameleons, F1 Manjaka. Manjaka was pretty unassuming as a juvenile, but he became one of our favorite YBBB Ambilobe breeders as an adult. He had an extra blue bar, …

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Manjaka x Lokana

This pairing was between our F1 sire from Colorado Chameleons, Manjaka, and our female from Chromatic Chameleons, Lokana. Lokana is a mix of Chromatic and Kammerflage Kreations yellow-bodied blue bar Ambilobe while Manjaka is a wonderful YBBB from a …

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Ranoka is a really interesting mix of F1 Manjaka and Kromatisk, Lokana’s sire. He has the radiant yellow that Manjaka has, but he also has the red embers at the edge of the yellow like Kromatisk - this almost looks orange at times and gives it …

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Tsara’s name comes from “Tsara Tarehy” which means attractive in Malagasy. We named the two sisters from Manjaka x Lokana Tsara and Tarehy :). Check out that clutch to see how consistent their YBBB phenotypes were. It is a very …

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Tarehy’s name comes from “Tsara Tarehy” which means attractive in Malagasy. We named the two sisters from Manjaka x Lokana Tsara and Tarehy :). Check out that clutch to see how consistent their YBBB phenotypes were. It is a very …

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